© 2021 Ashley Ann Udell

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Digital culture is a double-edged sword.

One side offers a landscape of connectivity with endless possibility.

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The other introduces a world of risk that threatens privacy, property, and the very framework of our nation.

So how do we keep our institutions — and our democracy —
safe in cyberspace?

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That's why cybersecurity experts at Indiana University are working diligently alongside state and local governments to safeguard our democracy.

We will fight for the institutions we believe in.

Especially when history hangs in the balance.

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The Impact of IU

IU is one of America’s leading academic institutions. From combatting public health and climate crises to protecting truth in a digital world, Indiana University takes on the greatest challenges in the modern era. Galvanized by research, innovation, and passion, we fight fiercely to create solutions that transform the world.


This creative showcases how the work we’re doing every day continues to change tomorrow.